Guru Charanam Saranam Saranam
May 20th is the golden day for us at radhekrishna satsangam because this day is the 'janmadhin' (i.e. Birthday) of our beloved Gurujiamma, H.H. Sathguru Shree Poojyashree Shree Amma.
We celebrate two janmadhins, one on janmashtami i.e. on Lord Krishna's janmadhin and the other one on the 20th May our gurujiamma’s janmadhin.
Celebration starts with poojas, naamajapam and ends with bhajans.Same was the case on this 20th May 2004 at Dombivli, Mumbai Radhekrishna Satsangam.It was a grand occasion and though our Gurujiamma was away in South India, Azhwarthirunagari conducting bhajans/sathsangs, we at Mumbai could feel our Gurujiamma's presence and blessings.
The photographs of the celebrations for all of us to see, enjoy and get blessed.
May H.H.Sathguru Shree Poojyashree Shree Amma’s and Lord Krishna's blessings be always on you all.
Guru Charanam Saranam Saranam........Guru paada pankaje pranamam.......pranamam.
Radhekrishna Satsangh Ki Jai......Poojya Sri Sri Ammavukku Jai.
On Her birthday, our beloved Gurujiamma was in the sacred holy Thirukurungudi.She did satsangs & bhajans for all Her devotees and disciples. She showered her blessings on one and all.Such was this golden and an auspicious day celebrated in a very grand manner in Thirukurungudi.
The photographs of the celebrations for all of us to see, enjoy and get blessed........Radhekrishna!
Poojyashree Shree Amma, our Gurujiamma In Thiruckurungudi.Just walking with the divine grace and power for the people of this world and at the same time secretly chanting and meditating Bhagawan Sri Radhekrishna on Her Birthday
Poojyashree Shree Amma, our great Gurujiamma entering Navaneethan Krishnan Sannidhi in Melacheval on 21st may for sathsang and bhajans with special poojas.
Poojyashree Shree Amma, the lady of spiritual powers showing the right path to the unknown people in the Thiruppuliangudi.The lucky devotees were nearer to see the grace of our Gurujiamma to all the people in the world on 19th of May 2004 during Navathiruppathy Vijayam.
Gurujiamma under the sacred living tree, Thiruppuliaazhwar [the sacred tamarind tree in which Swami Nammazhwar lived and recited divine songs] The living sanctity under the Adhishesha Avatar.
Gurujiamma and appa with devotees in Azhwaar Thirunagari.
Gurujiamma and appa in Utharadhi Madam of Azhwaar Thirunagari where devotees stayed during pravachanams with Mahan Brahmashree Gopalavallidasan.
Gurujiamma keenly watching her sishyan's pravachanam at Azhwaar Thirunagari along with appa on 20th May