|| RadheKrishna ||


Poojyashree Shree Amma's
Vedhanaadham - The Sound For The Soul - May 2005
Sound 2
Vibration : 2

The Divine Message | The Mahathma | Krishnam Vandhe Jagadhgurum | The Divine Songs
The Spring Of Spiritual Showers | Samarpanam | The Sacred Living Sanctity | Satsangam News


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Welcome to our Gurujiamma's Birthday special issue.... Radhekrishna!


1. The Divine Message - Message From Poojyashree Shree Amma - The Ultimate Liberator Bestowed By Lord Shri Krishna!


Amma's abhayakarangal

Blessings to one and all in the world.

One can attain Bhagavaan, if he has the unrelented desire. So, what if one attains Bhagavaan? He can live happily. Bhagavaan has not promised anywhere of retaining the youth if one does Naamajabam. The true devotee knows whether he is 90 years or 95 years or even at the bed-ridden stage, the mind will be at peace. He will always be happy, and has a staunch belief that God is always with him and hence will not have disbelief in any respect. That stubbornness and courage of God being with him and will take him to His abode is assured of. Radhekrishna!  Thus, the devotee will not bother about any worldly petty matters. When the common people feel neglected for not being attended to them when they are in need of a glass of water or coffee and when one utters Krishna, the same people rush to serve them with the soothing warm water. It is no exaggeration but only the truth. Each one of us should constantly chant the Naamajabam to experience this truth. One need not seek or call anybody by name for help, instead when he offers his prayer to Krishna; he will be helped to complete his work even by strangers who are not related to the work. Radhekrishna! 

When an infant cries for the milk, it does not spell out the same before hand. Its mother takes care and to appease the hunger, feeds the infant. When the infant wets the bed, she does the needful, while the infant does not utter about it to its mother. If the ordinary people can do the needful to an infant and can take care of, is there any need to talk or comment about Bhagawaan’s well-planned actions? Are we fit to talk about Bhagawaan’s actions? We can only talk his praises and chant His names. Well, chanting Bhagawaan’s names is only for their well-being and not to benefit Bhagawaan. It is only because of this, the importance of Naamasankeerthana is propogated for our happiness and He has said the same in the most secret way. It is not in the form of authorization in writing with any signature, whereas He secretly conveys the importance of Chanting. There is no need to give any open and vivid explanation for God’s actions. Hence, the Guru, in the form of representatives of God, is sent by Bhagawaan to uplift the souls in this world and the knowledge is imparted through them. Common people cannot understand Bhagawaaan’s pranks and plays. For a single event the meaning and concept changes in our mind from time to time, and hence nobody is able to give a definite explanation for our sacred Bhagawath Geetha and is explaining the same in various ways. Each one has his own explanation and such are the new meanings. Radhekrishna! 

We dance to the tunes of various songs and music in our daily life, which however is forgotten in matter of no time. Bhagawaan’s Leelas are truth and hence remains forever. Even an atheist gives explanation in his support quoting various hymns and adapts to such belief when it is advantageous to him. This shows Bhagawaan’s mercy! He showers His mercy even on the sinners. The glory of Chanting is propagated only to attain Bhagawaan. Many of us observe fast but do not enjoy its purpose as it is done with ego and self-pride. Such fasts are not done for the sake of Bhagawaan but only to boast amongst the people. They grumble of preparations of tasty food for others saying, had I not observed the fast, would have tasted the same. Though tempted in such manner they do not express outwardly the same. The observances of fasts are to be dedicated to Bhagawaan and not to boast upon. When each duty of ours is dedicated to Bhagawaan, one can truly enjoy the performance. There will never be any mistake when done so and He bestows upon us His compassion. It is possible to attain everything through Naamasankeerthana and hence Sadgurus are stressing upon the importance of the same. There is no doubt about it at any point of time. Radhekrishna! Let bygones be bygones and need not waste the precious time by brooding over the past. Now, on realizing the importance of Naamasankeerthanam, one should have a hold on it and do continuous chanting Krishna, Krishna, Krishna, Krishna…, to know the truth and the real purpose of human life. Radhekrishna! 


Poojyashri Shri Amma

Listen to Amma's divine message in Her own voice! (in Tamil)


(Our Guruji Amma is the embodiment of simplicity (saulabhyam) has been doing Sathsangam in all possible ways amidst her household chores to the mankind on whole and was thus rendering a sathsangam to a devotee of overseas on phone)

It is fortunate to listen and be blessed to Guruji Amma’s Sathsangam through phone irrespective of one’s domicile in any nook and corner of this universe and many more souls should yearn to enjoy this bliss! Since people are easily tempted to the uncivilized activities and are trapped in the web of movies, television programmes and some unpleasant magazines, more and more Sathsangams should be encouraged and attended to keep oneself engaged in the union of the Almighty, which is the only eternal truth. Just as hills are made of hard stones alone and its originality cannot be replaced, likewise Bhagawaan is the eternal truth and at a stage each one realizes this truth. Its no compulsion and even those who have disassociated will realize this truth. Such is the greatness of Bhakthi and Naamasankeerthana. Since, Naamasankeerthana is the Kali Yuga Dharma, there is no match to it. Radhekrishna!





2. Mahatmas - New Bhaktacharitras Each Month

India is the holy land with so many bhaktas (devotees). When we go through the Indian history, there must be a bhakta in every period. That is the greatness of this sacred land. Bhaktas are the role model for all the bonded souls. They enjoy their life in a perfect way. Bhaktas surrender themselves to the Lotus feet of Lord. By hearing or reading bhaktas' divine story, the bonded soul is enlightened to come out of the worldwide bondages.

Radhekrishna! Sincere chanting and listening to the great stories of devotees will surely give a peace of mind to everybody, even in this 21st century. So many people think that listening to the devotee's stories is a waste of time and there is no benefit at all. If somebody wants to realize the power of bagawan, first of all they must listen bhaktha charithram [stories of devotees]. There are so many advantages in listening to baktha charithram.

Radhekrishna! Bhagawaan never lets down those who have unconditional faith on Him. The worldly people are concerned with the costumes and external activities of bhakthaas but bhagawaan is concerned with crystal clear heart of bhakthaas. In true aspect, Parakaalan should have paid the tax but he did not so!  At the same time, he did not spend the money for his personal use.  In fact, he spent the money to perform Thadhi Aaraadhanam for the bhakthas.

Considering this bhagwan Himself helped Parakaalan by showing him the place of wealth.  Parakaalan was fasting as he had unconditional faith that bhagawan will surely show him some way.  However, the normal human beings’ fasting is very different from these bhakthas.  It is not done with true devotion and sincerity.  The materialistic people expect beyond their limit. Even though their expectations are beyond their limit, they never try to put their sincere efforts to achieve or accomplish it.  

The deity who revealed the place of wealth was our Lord Varadarajan of Kancheepuram. You may think, this is an exaggeration. Nevertheless, this is the truth. Only by true devotion, you can understand this. Radhekrishna Radhekrishna Radhekrishna! That is the one and only reason, all the great bhakthaas say, if we have faith on bhagawaan anything and everything can happen. At times, during some hard phases of life there is no one to help or support us. During such situations, bhagawaan is the only one who saves and supports us. This wealth (bhagawaan) is everywhere. Therefore, wherever they go, they get whatever they need.  

Even Swami Nikhamaantha Mahaa Desikar had described Lord Varadarajaa as his only true wealth in his manuscript “Vairaagya Panchagam”. The sloka is as follows:-

“Naasthi pithraarjitham kimchith na

mayaa kimchidhaarjitham

asthi mE hasthishailaaghrE vasthu

paithaamaham dHanam”

( Sri Nihamaantha MahaaDhesikar's Vairaagya panchagam – 5)


I do not presume the wealth saved by my father;

I have not earned anything for myself;

But my grandfather had presumed a wealth

For me which is Asthigiri


In the above sloka, Swami Nikhamaanth Mahaa Desikar describes ‘Brahma’ as his grandfather and ‘Lord Varadarajan’ as his wealth. Oh! What devotion! What a confidence! Radhekrishna! You must also have the same devotion and confidence.  Radhekrishna! 

When bhagawaan appeared in Parakaalan’s dream and said that the wealth is in the river Vegavathi, he felt very happy. Neelan immediately informed the minister about the wealth which was in Kancheepuram and promised to pay his debts. When the minister said this to the king, the king told him to be very cautious about Neelan. He asked the minister to go along with Neelan carefully. Finally, they went with Neelan to Kancheepuram near the Vegavathi river. When Neelan searched for the wealth, he could not find it anywhere around.  

Generally, such incidents create a feeling of disbelief on God. However, Neelan did not lose his hopes. He had the unmovable confidence on bhagawaan, so he decided to pray more sincerely with unconditional faith.  

Did Neelan get the wealth or not? Wait until next month. Radhekrishna!  



3. Krishnam Vande Jagadhgurum - Extracts From The Holy Bhagawath Geetha

Amma with guruji

Radhekrishna.Hinduism is an ancient religion. All the things that have been spoken in Hindu religion can be applied in practical life. Although in 21st century till everyone can apply this in his or her daily life. The aim of Hindu religion is to provide total happiness to everyone at all times (or any point of time). The essence of Hinduism is told in "Bhagawad Gita". In order to realize what is said in Bhagawad Gita it is a compulsory (must) to have an unconditional faith on Bhagawad Gita. So many people have benefited in their lives because of the (by reading) shlokas of Bhagawad Gita. In Bhagawad Gita, Bhagawan Shri Krishna has told the way to lead a happy life in such an easy way that even a normal layman can easily understand. The slokas are so simple that anyone can understand and use it practically.


YathkarOshi yadhashnaasi YajjuhOshi dhadhaasi Yath!
Yaththapasyasi Kountheya! Thathkurushva madharpanam!

  Radhekrishna ! Right since birth to the death of a person food is the most important need of a living being. The very offering of this basic need to Lord Krishna is the most fortunate act, which a living being can perform with ease. There is no much inconvenience in doing this noble deed. Be it a beggar or a rich person everybody’s lifeline is the daily basic food. In addition, by God’s grace everybody is successful in having his square meal. So where is the trouble in offering this food to Lord Krishna whole-heartedly before consuming it? Even though we may be offering it only mentally, finally we are consuming it.  

  The best way to experience this offering to God is by practically habituating it. The fascinating thing to note is that all the devotees be it of the past, the present & the coming future have all inculcated this habit in their daily life. Also such a great devotee was Shri Namadevar. Namadevar bhakthi for Panduranga was uncomparable. Be it any occasion Namadevar never used to eat anything without offering it whole-heartedly to Panduranga. Panduranga also used cherish the moments when Namadevar offered Him food. Namadevar’s bhakthi was so intense that Panduranga dissolving His image form would sometimes take the offering with His lotus like benevolent hands.  

   Usually, Namadevar would keep doing namasankeerthanam on the subtle banks of Chandrabagha. During such moments, he would forget everything immersed in the pure bhakthi of Panduranga. On one such fine day, he lost the count of time and was completely engulfed in Vitthal’s grace.  

   Namadevar’s wife, Rajaai kept waiting for a long time. Rajaai on her part was a duty bound, perfect wife. She had a huge amount of respect for Namadevar and his bhakthi. After waiting for a long time, she finally set out to the banks of Chandrabagha in his search with roti in a container and ghee in another. However, on finding Namadevar completely engrossed in namasankeerthanam she kept the roti and ghee beside him and quietly left away. Namadevar was engaged in his namasankeerthanam for quite some time. As he completed his chanting and looked at the roti  and  ghee nearby he saw a dog carrying away the roti. To the amazement of everyone present on the bank of Chandrabagha, Namadevar ran in pursuit of the dog. Some laughed it away others kept thinking of Namadevar’s queer action, while some others waited around to know the outcome. The dog too being afraid kept barking but still Namadevar followed the running dog. Who can understand such acts of devotees except bhagawan and devotees themselves?   

  At last, Namadevar caught hold of the dog. By now everyone was watching the happenings intently. According to Namadevar, Panduranga was present in every single particle, living or non-living.  

 Namadevar, pacifying the dog told it that only roti will not taste good, and applied some ghee to the roti and fed it to the dog. This incident made everyone cry out in praise of Namadevar’s bhakthi. After eating a couple of morsel’s from Namadevar’s hand the dog disappeared. Radhekrishna!!!!!!!  

  And the next moment Namadevar feasted  the divine cosmic form of Panduranga, His hands on the slender waist.  Unable to withstand the incredible benevolence of Vitthal , Namadevar fell on His feet.  Namadevar asked Panduranga, “ Oh Lord,  what is the need of taking up this mean form of a dog?”.  To this, the Lord smiled..  That smile, which made the gopis go frenzy.  That smile which would even melt the hearts of strong- willed bhakthas like Sukh Brahma Maharishi.  Shouldn’t you too see that smile and forget everything else, before, you leave this world and the world forgets us ?  Bhagwan beautifully replied to Namadevar, your practice of offering food has immensely pleased me.  So, today I myself decided to partake your food.  In, addition, I wished to know whether you perceive me, in every living being devoid of its nature.  Hence, I took the form of a dog.  Namadevar was very much pleased to hear this.  To the delight of Namadevar, Lord Panduranga and Namadevar both ate the food together.  

     Thus, by offering our food to Lord Krishna we would not only be experiencing His divine grace but also will be enjoying the divine, scintillating form of the Lord. Radhekrishna !



4. The Divine Songs - Dhivyaprabhandham

Naalaayira Dhivyaprabandham

Pachchai maa malaipOl mEni, pavaLavaai, Kamalach chengaN

achchuthaa! amarar ErE! aayar tham KozhundhE! ennum

ichchuvai thavira, yaam pOi indhiralOkam aaLum

achchuvai perinum vENdEn, arangamaa nagaruLaanE!

                                                        ( Thondaradipodi Aazhwaar's Thirumaalai   --  873/1000/4000)


Explanation :

Radhekrishna! This world is a place for all the souls which bhagawaan has created, where each one has to realize their sins and by not doing it anymore and at the same time, compensate for it as realization and attain the God. But, many people curse this world saying it is not good and full of faults. However, the truth is that the bhagavath bhakthi has reduced and hence they face many troubles such as fear, confusion, hatred etc.,

When people's expectations are fulfilled they call it as heaven and at the same time if it does not satisfy their expectations, they call the same world as hell. As per the views of bhakthaas, it differs since they see God in everything. Yet, we come across some bhakthaas who say they want to leave this world. This is because they wish to do the eternal service to the Almighty.

Thondaradipodiaazhwar, an eminent bhakthaa and a great lover of Lord Ranganaatha in his Thirumaalai in Dhivyaprabandham sings to Lord Ranganaatha praising this world. It is said that one who does not know Thirumaalai will never know the God (Perumal).

When everyone feels like leaving this world, Thondaradipodi Aazhwar prays and wishes to stay in this world. When Lord Ranganaatha questions him as to why he wishes to live in this world? Instead, Lord Ranganaatha says He would offer Thondaradipodi Aazhwar a place in heaven for which he refuses sponteneously. The Lord again asks him as to what is the specialty in this world as such?

Thondaradipodi Aazhwar expresses to Lord Ranganaatha as, Oh Lord! while seeing your huge, green- coloured divine body, the coral like enchanting lips, the most attractive eyes and while admiring your beauty, I feel like calling you as Achchudha! Achchudha is one who never goes down and will never let down His bhakthaas. 

Amarar ErE! Amarar ErE is one, who is the chief of the Devaas and all the cowboys and who hails from the Yaadava dynasty and I like to see your beauty and cuddle you.

Ichchuvai!: The happiness which I get by singing your glory and chanting your name can never be found in the IndiralOkam and the heaven. Lord Ranganaatha asks him, when this world is full of chaos and troubles and the people here are so dangerous why do you still pray to be here amidst all these difficulties?  Thondaradipodi Aazhwar replies to Lord Ranganaatha that amidst all these difficulties, your enchanting beauty in the Archaavadhaaram and the divine names, makes me forget all the difficulties which is the only accepted truth. In this world,  chanting Krishna, Krishna Krishna Krishna........... amidst all the hurdles gives a lot of peace to this soul and gives us the feeling of the eternal happiness as to mingling with God. By chanting God's name we can be happy at all times which gives peace alone. We cannot live in this world happily even for a moment without chanting His names. By chanting the Lord's name one will not have a desire for the IndiralOkam, heaven or the Paramapadham. So, keep chanting His names like Thondaradipodi Aazhwar while you are in this world and enjoy His divine beauty.


Poojyashree Shree Ammavin thiruvadigale saranam saranam saranam

Poojyashree Shree Ammavin Thiruvadigale Saranam Saranam Saranam.



5. Spring Of Spiritual Showers - Experiences Of Bhaktas, Disciples Of Poojyashree Shree Amma, Our Gurujiamma

An experience of a disciple

Jai Shree Poojyashree Shree Amma

divine eyes that guard us continuously

Radhekrishna... Radhekrishna... Radhekrishna... Radhekrishna.

(continued from the previous month)

His (Shri. Narayana Iyengar's) life changed a lot. He could feel the divine presence of Bhagavan Krishna, in His midst. The grace of Bhagavan is abundant. Bhagavan showers the divine grace to one and all. Only some fortuned souls, who go by the saying of a Sathguru are able to enjoy it, fully. He was guided towards the true path of Krishna Bhakthi. The kind preaching’s came from the Sathguru – Poojya Shree Shree Amma, changed His life. The hallucination, illusion etc., all started reducing. Earlier darkness was prevailed in His mind. The chanting of Radhekrishna Namam and the meditation of Sathguru – Poojya Shree Shree Amma, gave Him a kind of true relief. He became happy, in His later years. The chanting of Radhekrishna Naamam continuously fetched Him, inner happiness. He started enjoying the divine Leela’s of Krishna Bhagavan, as got from the discourse of Sri Gopalavalli Dasan.

The constant messages sent by Sathguru, gave Him the answer to His divine queries. The answer given by Sathguru through mind, is inseperable. The reply comes instantaneously. The acceptance of Sathguru –Poojya Shree Shree Amma, brings in, a kind of divine binding. This divine binding between the Sathguru and the devotee makes the life, a blissful one. Sathguru instantaneously answered the various questions hidden in His mind, through the mind itself. The greatness of Sathguru and the importance of attaining a Sathguru was stressed, during the Bhagavath Geetha discourse. By meditating on those words, He started doing Gurudhyaanam (meditating on Sathguru) automatically. His meditation was continuous. He started to get the darshan of Sathguru, continuously. He started saying, "Now, I see a divine appearance in a woman form. The face showers the divine mercy. The eyes are showering the divine comfort. A beautiful ear ornament with diamond was glittering on Her ears. She was clad in a divine dress of beautiful colour and this divine grace occupies my mind. Time and again, I wish to get the blessings from Her.This divine woman form remains permanent, before my eyes. I could get the divine grace emanating from that face, and this fills my mind with divine joy and my soul rejoice in divine ecstasy". He started enjoying this divine happiness. His face started relaxing in a divine way. The wavering mind has come to a halt. His search ended in attaining the true divine joy. The true divine joy is easily attainable through the blessings of a Sathguru.

Our Guruji Amma – Poojya Shree Shree Amma is an embodiment of divine mercy. Guruji Amma’s heart is so big to invite the entire mankind, to taste the nectar of Krishna Bhakthi. The mind is the only requirement. The mind to accept the Manthropadesham – Radhekrishna naamam, as given by our Sathguru – Poojya Shree Shree Amma is the only requirement. A mother gives a tonic of bitter taste. The child in the beginning spits it on the face of the mother. The mother knows that, even though the tonic is bitter in taste, it will cure the disease without fail. So, the mother never leaves the child. Even if the child spits, the mother adamantly forces the child to take the tonic. Once the tonic reaches, it starts working. The tonic cures the disease. The effect of tonic curing the sick is an accepted universal fact. The divine mercy of our Guruji Amma, in feeding the tonic of Krishna Bhakthi, is incomparable. Caught under the Maya of I’ ness and my’ ness usually like a child we spit the tonic of Krishna Bhakthi. But, Our loving mother our Guruji Amma never lets anyone to suffer under Her eyes. Our Guruji Amma, injects the tonic of Krishna Bhakthi. Once this tonic enters in to the body, the cure starts instantaneously.

The Krishna Bhakthi started curing Him. This chanting gave Him, a permanent solution to His problem. He could feel the divine light internally and as well as externally too. In the midst of darkness, comes a true divine light. The true divine light of Krishna Bhakthi, started flowing in His life. The divine woman form, which He meditated, was none other than, Our Sathguru – Poojya Shree Shree Amma. The Darshan of Sathguru, in true divine form brings in us the totality of life. The problem of maya or illusion comes to an end by surrendering one’s life at the divine protection of a Sathguru. Our Guruji Amma is here to protect us. Any eager soul of divine thirst, can drink the nectar of Krishna Bhakthi, to one’s heart content. Guruji Amma is here to feed the nectar of Krishna Bhakthi. The selfless service of Our Guruji Amma is glorified at all times.   

Poojyashree Shree Ammavin thiruvadigale saranam saranam saranam

Radhekrishna Radhekrishna Radhekrishna…
Jai Sri Poojya Sri Sriamma
Jai Sri Radhekrishna Sathsang ki Jai

 Experience shared by,
N. Karthick
Grandson of (Late) Shri Narayana Iyengar (82).




6. Samarpanam

parithraanaaya sadhoonaam vinasaya cha dhushkrutham

dharma sansthapanarthaya sambhavami yuge yuge

Bhagawan takes avatar in each and every yuga mainly to safeguard the bhaktas and then to destroy the rakshasaas who trouble his bhaktas. So Bhagawan comes to this bhoomi from paramapadham just for the sake of his bhaktas. Hence we come to know that bhaktas are very important to the Lord. Whenever Bhagawan comes to rescue his bhaktas, the other fellow people also reap the benefits.........

Our guruji amma gives high respect to all the bhaktas. Hence our Vedhanaadham's every issue will be dedicated to one bhakta. This issue we are dedicating to one of the great  sadhaacharyans namely "Sri Parasara Bhattar"

Sri Parasara Bhattar

Sri Parasara Bhattar

The gifted son of Sri Koorathaazhvaan and Srimathi Aandal.

The gifted devotee who was born as Lord Ranganaatha's offering(prasadam).

The great devotee who was born in the month of Vaikasi on a poornima day in Anusha nakshathram as one of the twin child.

The great child who was named by Swami Raamanujar as Paraasara battar on the 11th day after his birth.

The gifted child who heard 'Dhvayam' {The Sacred Secret Manthra}  on the 11th day itself as Shri Embaar Govindhar carried him while he was uttering it.

The gifted child who is accepted as the foster son of Lord Shri Ranganaatha.

The gifted toddler who was brought up in the temple premises, used to play with Lord's prasadam (offerings)  which Lord Ranganaatha accepted happily.

The great child who won a scholar at the tender age of 5 in a street of Srirangam.

The gifted disciple who got the title of 'Vedantachaarya' by Swami Ramanujar.

The great devotee whose alliance was suggested by Lord Shri Ranganaatha in the dream of the bride's family.

The great devotee was accepted the lineage of Guru Parampara after Swami Ramanujar.

The great sadachaarya who went to Melkottai Thrirunarayanapuram and won a bhaktha named Maadhavasuri and accepted him as his sishyan.




7. Sacred Living Sanctity - New Pictures Of Poojyashree Shree Amma, Our Gurujiamma

our gurujiamma

The ultimate liberator bestowed by Lord Sri Krishna!

Simple, modest and down to earth!!




8. Sathsangam News - Information About The Sathsang Activities Like Forthcoming Pravachans And Programmes

divine eyes that guard us continuously

Sathsangam Programmes held at various places last month 


  The Mumbai devotees are enjoying the sathsangam of Mahaan Brahmashri Gopalavallidasar!! The sathsangam on Sri Krishna Chaithanya Mahaprabhu was amazing! The premai (true love) of Sri Krishna Chaithanya explained by Mahan Brahmashri Gopalavallidasar induced everyone to experience the same bliss! Everyone realized the power of Hinduism and Naamasankeerthanam (chanting) after hearing certain incidents of Sri Krishna Chaithanya. 

  After Sri Krishna Chaithanya's sathsangam Mahan Brahmashri Gopalavalidasar had sathsang in Chembur in  a wedding. There He explained how to lead a happy married life in the path of devotion. He gave examples of many couples who were great bhakthas; Suruchi and Kuchelar, Jayadevar and Padhmavathy, Kurathazhwan and Andal and many more. Mahan Brahmashri Gopalavallidasar put in plain words that a married life will be happy and peaceful only if we do bhakthi. 

  Then the sathsangam on Brindavana Mahimai in Dombivli was soothing and very different one. The prayers of Vrindaavana Devi to Bagawan Sri Krishna, her crave and true love for Him melted everyone's hearts. Mahan Brahmashri Gopalavallidasar described one Krishna Leela in Dwaparayuga and one in Kaliyuga so that it would create a sense of confidence and faith in everyone's mind to attain Bagawan Sri Krishna even in Kaliyuga.

  Sathsangam on Bhaktha charitram is going in Mulund. 24th April, being Ramanavami Mahan Brahmashri Gopalavallidasar said about Hanuman the great Rama Bhaktha!!! The modesty and sincerity of Hanuman is incomparable. After that it was Bhakthai Meera, the kaliyuga Gopi. She is an example for all the kaliyuga samsaaris. Till the end she did not give up and accepted everything as Krishna Prasaadam. Her true love for Giridhari, her sincerity and dedication towards Him made everyone to do bhakthi like Meerabai.



Special News!!!


Preparations are being made in Mumbai for grand celebration of Shri Poojya Shri Shri Amma's 60th birthday!!! The devotees are eagerly waiting for Guruji Amma's arrival on May 20th as well as to celebrate the birthday on May 26th. The Mumbai devotees feel very blessed and are happy to be a part of this celebration !!!! The ocean of mercy Shri Poojya Shri Shri Amma is arriving on May 20th to shower Her endless grace on everyone.    





Great news!! all bhaktas who are physically away or couldn't attend the satsangs for some reason, no need to feel missed out and be dejected!!! Yes, even you can practically enjoy the sathsangs and experience the divine bliss!!! All due to Lord Krishna's, Gurujiamma's and our gurujis grace .....Want to know how??? Just click here and dive into the mighty ocean of Krishna Premai!



            Forthcoming Pravachanams by Poojyashree Shree Ammas Sishyar - Mahan Brahmashree Gopalavallidasan

Date:        May 1st to May 7th
Topic:       Swami Ramanujar Vaibhavam
Time:        10.30 am to 12.30 pm

Address:    Sri Harikumar, A/203, Dhurusagar chs, Vasai rd (W)


Date:          May 1st to May 6th 
Topic:          Bhagawath Geetha 12th Chp (Bhakthi Yogam)
Time:           7.00 pm to 9.00 pm
Address:     Bhaktha Samajam, B/6,Siddharth complex,       Chulna road, Manikpur,Vasai Road (W).


Date:          May 8th to May 12th 
Topic:          Bhaktha Charitram
Time:           6.30 pm to 8.30 pm
Address:     Odugattur Mutt, Gangadhara Chetty Road, Bangalore 560042


              Weekly bhajans are held in Chennai, Podanur, Mumbai, USA, East Africa and Muscat with Guruji Amma’s    abundant blessings.



RadheKrishna Krishnaradhe RadheKrishna Krishnaradhe RadheKrishna Krishnaradhe RadheKrishna Krishnaradhe


