Radhekrishna!!! Each one of us should constantly keep chanting, as it is the only source to achieve everything for our lives. Here, ‘everything’ means, when one achieves the happiness and the peace in that happiness, then everything is enveloped in that happiness. Some people might argue saying, I am wealthy and so I am happy. Certainly. But the wealth is never long-standing in one place. At times it increases and at some other time it reduces. Even if the wealth is constant at one place, the health is never constant. The health diminishes for each person as he advances in age or even otherwise each one faces some illness. No person is as young as he was at a period. The youth disappears without one’s knowledge. We are not aware of it. But, we think we know everything and we would live forever with the same youth, which was at the age of our sixteenth year. Nobody can sustain his or her youth forever. Man is very well aware of this but none of them realize it. A sixteen-year-old person looks at an old person’s wrinkled skin with ridicule and forgets that one day he too will look like him when he reaches that age. What a pity? Why does this thought does not come in their minds? What happens due to such acts is that, man continues to grow in his egoism. The younger ones with a pride on their youth look egoistically at the wrinkled-skinned aged ones. This ego in man is unwanted and this is simply their ignorance.
When such changes in one’s life has taken place earlier, then certainly it will take place in the days to come too. Just as the cows give us milk everyday likewise, everyone grows old as the days roll. If one day has passed then, man is older by one day than the earlier day. Why is no one able to understand this truth? What a surprising human mind!! How many types of egos in man’s mind? Man feels that everything belongs to him alone. Man at times, also feels that he alone knows everything. How does man conclude that he knows everything? Even if he is highly educated, we need a person to sow the seeds and later need someone who feeds us by reaping the crops at the right time and further are in need of a person who cooks for us with proper proportion to satisfy our hunger. Thus, while performing each work, man thinks he knows everything. He thinks he knows to drive a car, he knows to build a house and so on. One might have the wealth to build a house but only the man who is professionally qualified in it will be able to build it for us. Similarly, a person may be able to drive a car, but only when we are taught from a man who is skilled in it, we will be able to buy a car to drive. Without knowing anything man keeps jumping saying he knows everything. Such are the types of egos with man, which are shocking to note. Man does not even try to realize that he too will attain the same old age some day and will have to face them. While, on the contrary he thinks everything in this world is everlasting and man’s own conclusion that everything is going to remain forever, as it is, is his mere ignorance. The most amusing thing is, in spite of living with their grandparents they fail to realize that one day they too would become old like them for their grandchildren. These are people’s humorous absurdity towards life. Such are the humorous people in this amusing world.
Nothing is everlasting except one thing that never changes. What is it? Yes, it the ‘Bhagawaan’ alone. The only thing that never changed in the past and is never changing in the present and that will never change in the future too is the “Bhakthi with the Bhagawaan”. Radhekrishna!!! It is the only thing omnipresent. People might question, why we should do Bhakthi? Guruji Amma always advises people to do Bhakthi for their own well being. Only the people who truly do Bhakthi can realize what it is. This Bhakthi does not come naturally to anybody. The Sathgurus take up the task of bringing each soul to them, inculcate in them the Bhakthi and also go to the extent of simply thrusting it in their brains to make them understand and feel about Bhakthi. The main cause is that this Bhakthi is not being inculcated to the young ones by the elders. The elders teach only the rituals and the customary practices to the children and hence no one is aware of ‘Bhakthi’. The elders when they were young were not been taught by their elders and hence fail to inculcate to their young ones. This was not been done to each one by their elders at every period and hence no one knows what actually is ‘Bhakthi’.Radhekrishna!!!
When we look back, at our elders and their elders and the elders who lived earlier to them, we find that there were
“AacharyaaL” (Sathgurus) for every region or community. The reason that why the Aacharyars brought some more Aacharyars is that they take up the entire responsibility of each of their sishyaas’ soul and enable them to attain salvation which they consider as their prime duty. Radhekrishna!!! We cannot find even a single Aacharyar in the scriptures of our widespread sampradayam for having told us not to live in or take up the family life and do Bhakthi alone. The people just keep telling that our elders gave us all such valuable teachings but the surprising fact is that not a single person from a family longs to teach their children to chant the Lord’s name. The attitude or reaction of today’s elders towards their young ones is for example, if their child wants to get married to the partner he or she likes, then the elders without the least botheration reply, get your things the way you desire but give me a cheque worth for a lakh rupees. They wash off their hands with such expectations. Just by giving a cheque for rupees one lakh how can a soul get liberated? Radhekrishna!!! Liberation to the soul does not necessarily mean that it is the death of a person. One can easily get liberated just by living according to their Aacharyar’s wishes and by not attaching themselves to any kind of worries. This message has to be initiated to all the families that have sought their shelter. However, somewhere down the line our elders have failed to imbibe these teachings in our present culture. Due to God’s immense grace on us they have been rightly compensated by the Aacharyars. Hence, chanting is the only means to realize God.
Radhekrishna! Radhekrishna! Radhekrishna!
Radhekrishna, Radhekrishna, Radhekrishna, Radhekrishna, Radhekrishna.
Poojyashri Shri Amma
Chennai, December 2005
(Our Guruji Amma is the embodiment of simplicity (saulabhyam) has been doing Sathsangam in all possible ways amidst her household chores to the mankind on whole and was thus rendering a sathsangam to a devotee of overseas on phone)
is fortunate to listen and be blessed to Guruji Amma’s Sathsangam through
phone irrespective of one’s domicile in any nook and corner of this universe
and many more souls should yearn to enjoy this bliss! Since people are easily
tempted to the uncivilized activities and are trapped in the web of movies,
television programmes and some unpleasant magazines, more and more Sathsangams
should be encouraged and attended to keep oneself engaged in the union of the
Almighty, which is the only eternal truth. Just as hills are made of hard stones
alone and its originality cannot be replaced, likewise Bhagawaan is the eternal
truth and at a stage each one realizes this truth. Its no compulsion and even
those who have disassociated will realize this truth. Such is the greatness of
Bhakthi and Naamasankeerthana. Since, Naamasankeerthana is the Kali Yuga Dharma,
there is no match to it. Radhekrishna!
India is the holy land with so many bhaktas (devotees). When we go through the Indian history, there must be a bhakta in every period. That is the greatness of this sacred land. Bhaktas are the role model for all the bonded souls. They enjoy their life in a perfect way. Bhaktas surrender themselves to the Lotus feet of Lord. By hearing or reading bhaktas' divine story, the bonded soul is enlightened to come out of the worldwide bondages.
Radhekrishna! Sincere chanting and listening to the great stories of devotees will surely give a peace of mind to everybody, even in this 21st century. So many people think that listening to the devotee's stories is a waste of time and there is no benefit at all. If somebody wants to realize the power of bagawan, first of all they must listen bhaktha charithram [stories of devotees]. There are so many advantages in listening to baktha charithram.
Radhekrishna! Every one of us is yearning to have a glimpse of Bhagawan. Even an atheist for his not believing Bhagawan, expects the Bhagawan to give him darshan, at least out of rage. A devotee yearns for Bhagawan’s darshan for his virtuous penance, offering and prayer. Likewise, every one of us tries in different ways to have darshan of Bhagawan. However by all these different manners also it has become very difficult to have the darshan of Bhagawan and the blissful experience. However, Thirumangai mannan never yearned for the darshan of Bhagawan. Even then Bhagawan came on his own to give him darshan only on account of Thadhi Aaradhanai (offering food to the bhakthaas). The astonishing fact is that Bhagawan does not come in his original form. Bhagawan will give his darshan in any form and no one can tell that Bhagawan will come in a particular form only. No one ever thought that Bhagawan would incarnate “Varaha” avatar to liberate the earth from the ocean. No one imagined that Bhagawan would incarnate “Narasimha” avatar and pierce out of pillar to save Bhakta Prahlada, dispelling all the efforts of the boon of Hiranyakashipu. Radhekrishna! The way Bhagawan acts is unimaginable. All his acts are only to give us happiness. Therefore, Bhagawan is regarded above all and is celebrated. Human being achieve peace and solace only by celebrating Bhagawan.
Bhagawan takes incarnations in different yugas only for the sake of his devotees and those who have affection towards him. Radhekrishna! Radhekrishna! Radhekrishna! The Bhagawan who is devoting all his time and actions to one and all selflessly walked in the kaliyuga to uplift Thirumangai mannan. Along with Goddess Lakshmi presiding in His broad chest and with devotees accompanied, Bhagawan Himself marches just for Thirumangai mannan in the form of a marvelous bridegroom to bless and endow with him ultimate knowledge, destroy all the sins, salvation for his divine service of Thadhi Aaradhanai to the devotees in this pious kaliyuga in Bharata Desam. Radhekrishna! Radhekrishna! Radhekrishna!
Bhagawan the most handsome among all, wearing every kind of ornament, came walking in the form of visual treat shining brightly even in the middle of the night. The divine feet that measured the universe set out to forest as the incarnation of Bhagawan Rama, the divine feet which danced on Kaliyan’s head as Bhagawan Krishna, the divine feet which destroys the sins at once, the same divine feet walked for Thirumangai mannan to give him happiness. Bhagawan was nearing Thirumangai mannan. It is the fact. As much as we are closer to His devotees, Bhagawan also comes very closer to us. He has to come closer as there is no other alternative. Radhekrishna! Radhekrishna! Radhekrishna!
On seeing Him from distance, Thirumangai mannan’s joy knew no bounds. When happiness itself takes a form our mind will be completely enveloped by bliss only. It cannot be expressed in words, but only to be experienced. Devotion itself is an experience. His pleasing walk, adorned in a yellow silk, bedecked with ornaments, his most pleasing smile, compassionate eyes, a mischievous look, his hand conjoined with that of the Goddess gave supreme happiness to Thirumangai mannan. He was to be swept away in the floodwater of Bhagawan’s beauty. However, he was saved from the ocean of God’s beauty only to continue his divine service of Thadhi Aaradhanai to Bhagawan’s devotees. Radhekrishna! Radhekrishna! Radhekrishna!
be continued................
Krishnam Vande Jagadhgurum - Extracts From The Holy Bhagawath Geetha
is an ancient religion. All the things that have been spoken in
Hindu religion can be applied in practical life. Although in 21st century till
everyone can apply this in his or her daily life. The aim of Hindu religion is
to provide total happiness to everyone at all times (or any point of time). The
essence of Hinduism is told in "Bhagawad Gita". In order to realize
what is said in Bhagawad Gita it is a compulsory (must) to have an unconditional
faith on Bhagawad Gita. So many people have benefited in their lives because of
the (by reading) shlokas of Bhagawad Gita. In Bhagawad Gita, Bhagawan Shri
Krishna has told the way to lead a happy life in such an easy way that even a
normal layman can easily understand. The slokas are so simple that anyone can
understand and use it practically.
Radhekrishna! Donation is to give needs to a material
body. Many people wonder how,
comfort given to a destructible material body can give us virtuousness.
In fact donation is to be given to the material body only.
However, Bhagawan keeps a minute watch on our donations.
Hence he blesses with the benefits accordingly.
Benefits are derived out of each and every action.
Physique gets enough strength on taking healthy food.
Timely sleep wanes out tiredness from the body.
Radhekrishna! Fragrance pleases our mind. Like wise benefits are reaped out of each and every action.
Due to intake of unwanted food our body undergoes many difficulties, and
body feels tired due to excess sleep etc.
Bhagawan endows the actions of our previous births and
its effects to us in accordance with the performance of karma, either virtuous
or evil ones. Hence Bhagawan very
rightly accounts the nature of donation and reaps benefits or otherwise
accordingly. Interest in a bank is
afforded in accordance with the size of the amount deposited.
In the same manner our karma is also accounted for and interest is
afforded accordingly. The interest
is afforded to sinful acts as well as for virtuous acts. Therefore, our Sanathana Hindu Dharma gives such an
importance to donation, as it affords virtuous effects.
Many people donate just for pride and for adoration, which will definitely be derived. But the soul will, definitely not get the peace. The soul has to derive peace, which is very important. The Bhagawan should present Himself for our donation. Instead of being satisfied with deriving of virtuous effects out of donation, one should derive Bhagawan, the embodiment of good virtues in whole. As the Bhagawan is indestructible wealth. In Vishnu Sahasranaamam, the Bhagawan is referred as “ Nidhiravyayaha”, meaning indestructible wealth. The presiding deity of ThirukOLOOr, one of the 108 Divya desam, is known as “Nikshebhaviththan”(Vaitha maa Nidhi – in Tamil, meaning Heap of Big Wealth). So, the most superlative action is to derive Bhagawan.
Donation is a big boon. All of us are not bestowed upon with it. The performance of the act of donation derived by a person does not necessitate another person to derive equally. But every one of us is in the process of donation. Husband donates his sperm to his wife. This cannot be donated by a wife to her husband. The wife carries the sperm in her womb and after a lapse of 10 months delivers a child, which a husband cannot. Like wise there are many such actions, which are all referred as Donation. Even a tree donates shade, flower, fruits and ultimately itself. Who can donate in this manner? Radhekrishna!
Poojyashree Shree Ammavin Thiruvadigale Saranam Saranam Saranam.
The Divine Songs - Dhivyaprabhandham
SenthazhalE vandhu azhalai cheydhidinum chengamalam
andharam sEr vengadhirORkallaal alaraavaal
vendhuyar veettavidinum ViRRuvakOttammaa! un
andhamil seerkkallaal agam kuzhaiya maattEnE
(Perumal ThirumOzhi – 693/1000/4000)
A lotus flower will blossom only due to warmth of sun’s rays. It will never blossom due to warmth of fireball similar to the warmth of sun’s rays. Sri Kulasekara Aazhwaar similarly says that even though Bhagawan does not destroy his sins, as are to be destroyed in the experience of his life, will never go away from Him, but will spend his life remembering Bhagawan’s unblemished virtues. .
Radhekrishna! Life is an experience and it is neither mere word, imagination, nor a fiction. It is a blend of realistic incidents. Every action and incidents of human beings occurs only due to their past births’ deeds. Bhagawan witnesses all these incidents and blesses with benefits thereof and life structure. On the strength of these alone life is either a happy one or of sorrows. So any sinful person when has utmost faith on Bhagawan will never face any failures in his life.
Instead of being victorious in life, the life itself should be a saga of success alone. To have victory over life a steadfast confidence on Bhagawan is essential. However at times, this confidence is at peak while at other time it slumps to the bottom. This is due to the oscillation of human mind.
Scriptures, epic tales and paasurams of great devotees are there only to keep human mind in a stable condition. When one listens and recites the same repeatedly he gets confidence, courage and stability of the mind. Apart from that for human mind there is no other tonic to rejuvenate in all aspects and at all times.
Sri Kulasekara Aazhwaar illustrates many such paasurams in “Perumal ThirumOzhi”. Radhekrishna! Sri Kulasekara Aazhwaar shows us the utmost confidence to be placed on Bhagawan by illustrating incidents of nature and human life. We are the most fortunate to have born in this Kaliyuga as we are enjoying such courage filled in paasurams of great Sri Kulasekara Aazhwaar. It is true we are better off than the human beings lived in other “Yugas”. There is no doubt at all. We are at the peak of enjoyment in believing the age old Hindu Dharma. Radhekrishna! Radhekrishna! Radhekrishna!
In this paasuram Sri Kulasekara Aazhwaar explains his utmost confidence by illustrating a lotus flower. The rays of sun is full of warmth and the lotus flower blossoms only due to this attribution. However one cannot bloom a lotus flower in the midnight with the aid of fireball, similar in warmth to that of sun’s rays. Will it bloom? No, not at all. What a marvelous example. An ordinary nature’s incident is the foundation of his faith. What an astonishing intellect our Sri Kulasekara Aazhwaar had! As the lotus flower blossoms on the faith of sun’s rays, he confidently says that he can live his life having placed faith on Bhagawan. When a lotus flower blossoming in the early hours of a day only to be get dried in the evening can realize that it can blossom due to sun’s rays, though the sun is at a distant place, he asks, whether, a man possessing six senses and having the presiding deity so near within himself cannot live happily by having utmost unconditional faith on Bhagawan? Definitely he can.
It is only Bhagawan who alone can destroy all our sins. Sri Kulasekara Aazhwaar says to the presiding deity of ViRRuvakOdu, that even if He does not destroy his sins, he will bide his life by remembering Bhagawan’s unblemished virtues, but will never do away with Bhagawan, nor can dispel Him from his thoughts.
If one attains similar confidence steadfulness on Bhagawan the life will be full of happiness alone and for that Namajabam and meditation of Sathguru are the essential necessities.
In the next paasuram, let us come across how Sri Kulasekara Aazhwaar has epitomized the standing crops to show his utmost confidence on Bhagawan in the next month issue. Radhekrishna! Radhekrishna! Radhekrishna!
Poojyashree Shree Ammavin Thiruvadigale Saranam Saranam Saranam.
Jai Shree Poojyashree Shree Amma
Radhekrishna... Radhekrishna... Radhekrishna... Radhekrishna.
Shree Radhekrishna
Jay Shree Poojya Shree Shree Amma
Jay Mahaan Brahmashri Gopalavallidasar
Shree Dhruva
1.The great devotee who attained darshan of Bhagawan Sri Vasudeva within five months, at the tender age of five.
2. The courageous kshathriya child who went to the forest to see Lord Vasudeva as per his guru’s (Sage Narada Muni) instructions.
3.The gifted son of Uththanabathan and Smt Suneethi.
4. The grand son of Swayambhava Manu.
5. The great king who ruled this world for 36,000 years.
6. The great disciple who attained moksha along with his mother.
7. The gifted child who was touched by the divine conch by Bhagawan Himself.
8. The devotee who outshines every single star in the sky by the name of “ Dhruva Nakshathram”, just by following his
Sathguru’s instructions.
Sacred Living Sanctity - New Pictures Of Poojyashree Shree Amma, Our
The ultimate liberator bestowed by Lord
Sri Krishna!
Vaa vaa Kanna...vandu vidu Kanna
Sathsangam News - Information About The Sathsang Activities Like Forthcoming
Pravachans And Programmes
Sathsangam Programmes held at various places last month
Radhekrishna! Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar left to Banglore on December 20th. The Banglore devotees are enjoying Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar’s sathsangam on Swami Ramanujar Vaibhavam.
The banglore devotees feel very blessed to hear the sathsangam of the great Sathaacharyar Swami Ramnujar. After hearing the sathsangam of Swami Ramanuja Vaibhavam by Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar, everyone desires to be a sathsishyan or sathsishyay like Swami Ramanujar’s sishyaas.
Truly, Swami Ramanuja Vaibhavam leaves a very great feeling in everyone’s mind. Everyone gets completely engrossed while hearing Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar’s sathsangam.
Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar will be leaving Banglore on December 1st.
Forthcoming Pravachanams by Poojyashree Shree Ammas Sishyar - Mahan Brahmashree Gopalavallidasan
Date : 2nd to 5th Dec 2005
Topic: Thirukoolor Penpillai Rahasyam
Venue: Dhanushkodi Kothandaramar Temple,
Chrompet, Chennai.
Date : 6th and 7th Dec 2005
Topic: Naamasankeerthana Mahimai
Venue: Mr.Mani,
Theni, Madhurai.
: 8th and 9th Dec 2005
Topic: Thirukoolor Penpillai Rahasyam
Venue: Dhanushkodi Kothandaramar Temple,
Chrompet, Chennai.
On December 10th Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar will be leaving to Mumbai. The Mumbai devotees’ zeal to hear sathsangam from Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar will finally end on December 10th.
Mumbai Programmes:
Date : 12th to 16th
Topic: Thiruppavai
Venue: Bhakta Sangam Temple cum Hall Complex,
Opp St.Mary's School, Trimurti Marg,
Mulund (West) Mumbai.
Date : 18th to 23rd
Venue: Subramanian, 1003, Kailash Towers,
Goregaon link Road, Mulund(W)
To know the topic on this date as well as to know the sathsangam from 24th to 31st wait till KrishnavedhaM’s coming issue! ! !
On 31st Dec 2005 Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar’s sathsangam will take place from 4.30 pm to 6.30 pm at
Babasaheb Tirodkar Sabahgruh,
Tandon Road, near United Western Bank,
opp Maruti Motor Training School, Ramnagar, Dombivli (East).
And thereafter sathsangam will take place from 7 pm to 9
pm and Namasankeertanam from 10.00 pm to 12 midnight. Radhekrishna!
bhajans are held in Chennai, Podanur, Mumbai, USA and East Africa with Guruji
Amma’s abundant blessings.
Weekly bhajans and Nagara sankeerthanam are also being held regularly.